With this MOOC we aim to support learning processes in a multidisciplinary, international online group with participants who want to create a MOOC for themselves.
We will provide different types of materials, questions for discussion and tasks to fulfill. As facilitators and moderators we want to encourage you to become an active online learner who collaborates with others to complete the tasks and who shares his or her learning experiences on the web.
Our philosophy is based on the principles of connectivism:
- Autonomy to make your own choices and be in control of your learning, to learn what is important for you and in which extent,
- Diversity with respect to your experiences, your interests and where you are coming from – as well as the diverse experiences and interests of the experts, diverse resources (of learners and experts)
- Interactivity to give you the opportunity to engage with different learners worldwide using collaboration tools you want to use
- and openness to everybody who is interested into our MOOC and open to share
We propose that you engage in the four key activities of a connectivist course:
- Aggregate: There will be a lot of material and a lot of discussions provided by experts and other learners, you are free to choose, contribute and aggregate content.
- Remix: You should reflect the suggestions, ideas, and thoughts and share them with the other learners. This can be done on websites, blogs, in social networks, …
- Repurpose: The knowledge of experts is interesting, but how you integrate new ideas into your own contexts is at least as interesting for other learners.